Why Commercial Cleaning Is A Must To Survive In The Post-Pandemic World?
For cleaning professionals who primarily add the residential space, operations during the COVID-19 crisis are often challenging. Business is interrupted. Customers are scared to possess staff to inherit their residences. Some companies have provisionally opted out of offering services to keep their teams of workers safe. It may even be under a responsibility to shut thanks to their area laws. However, within every challenge lies a chance. What if you’ll grow your brand during this time?
This period is often wont to build a web community and supply your customers with resources to form their time reception. Does one connect with your clients online, outside of email marketing?
Are your social savvy with a growing fan base? Does your business create content around your brand? If not, there’s no time just like the present to start!
Citiguardsecurity employs over 500 workers, providing commercial cleaning business and professional office services and property maintenance worldwide. It’s also an accredited wage employer and a member of the Green Organization.
It is hard to believe that the cleaning industry was celebrating success at the Golden Service Awards just a month ago. And now we are on the battlefront of a war against an epidemic.
For all the facility members, it brings everything into perspective money and success within the world. We are all unsafe humans and can’t yet control a known touch virus called COVID-19. We are beating an equivalent boat, and no-one is out of reach. We are all equal when it involves COVID cleaning business.
We have been proud to observe our industry and a business being on the battlefront of the fight against COVID-19. However, professional cleaning has been put firmly on the news agenda. And it is inviting to bring home the very fact that cleaning and sanitizing has never had such a status, a minimum of in my 20-year career.
Industry’s Survival Heavily Hooked Into Government Furlough Scheme
Sadly, there will be cleaning businesses who sadly don’t come through this crisis because the income implications are so severe for an industry where typically 80 percent of their labor costs. Our businesses and lives are currently within the hands of the government’s furlough scheme. If there are any problems or delays with this scheme, literally thousands of jobs will disappear within days. The longer the lockdown continues, the more this may be the case, both within the industry and beyond.
Despite most clients holding contracts with their cleaning contractors, clients believe those contracts are often suspended or completely disregarded. Having spoken with numerous competitors across the industry, everyone says an equal thing that the “normal rules of engagement” don’t seem to use in these unprecedented times. Indeed this is often the time that they matter quite the other.
Cleaning Is Going To Be Above the Company Plan
Once we get through this crisis, and that we will, cleaning will be one of the few winners. Cleaning is going to be much above the company plan as a non-discretionary spend to keep employees safe. Cleaning as a subject will be on boards and senior management teams’ plan in a way it wasn’t before. Some companies will, of course, still see it as a “commodity purchase,” but the professional corporate buyer will realize that they have to take a position in cleaning for the long-term. The virus’s value is too great to continue with the established order of a pre-Coronavirus era.
How to Keep up with Post-Pandemic’s Commercial Cleaning Requirements
- Maintain safe practices like frequent hand washing, wearing masks, and staying home if you’re not healthy.
- Regular practicing can reduce the potential for exposure.
- Maintain social distancing, staying six feet faraway from others. Reduce sharing of shared spaces and regularly touched objects.
- Wear disposable gloves to wash and disinfect and discard after use or use reusable gloves dedicated to disinfecting and cleaning.
- Always wash your hands after removing gloves with some anti-infection soap or hand wash.
- Clean all the dirty surfaces using soap and water first, then use disinfectant liquids to kill the germs.
- Cleaning with soap and water minimizes dirt, germs, and impurities on the earth’s surface. Moreover, disinfecting kills or remove any remaining germs that are still alive on surfaces after washing. It further minimizes any risk of spreading infection and germs.
- However, regular practices of cleaning and disinfection are of frequently touched surfaces. More frequent disinfection and cleaning could also be needed to support the level of use.
- Surfaces and objects publicly places, like the point of sale keypads, pens, shopping carts, counters, ATMs, and vending machines, should be cleaned and disinfected before each use or the maximum amount possible.
- Other high touch surfaces include Tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks.